Multitouch Screen


Multitouch Touch Screen with Your TV

Multitouch touch screen displays are popping up everywhere; join in with this revolutionary touch screen technology in just a few minutes after receiving your touch screen frame.  You can simply buy the multitouch touch screen frame that fits your TV and chose your preferred number of touch points (more about this below) and that’s it.

Because your new multitouch touch screen frame will work with either MAC or PC computers it makes it easy to get started and support your new interactive display based on your preference.

What you need to know to order the right touch screen for your application –

Determine the size of your current TV or the size TV that you need for your application. For instance a standard size is 50 inches diagonal, what that means is that from one corner to the opposite corner if you measure it will be 50 inches across. Most people would call this a 50” TV, so if that is what you have you would order a 50 inch multitouch touch screen frame.
Determine how many touch points that you will need to achieve the desired result, this is referring to the level of depth of interactivity you will need. For instance many times a dual or 2 points of touch multitouch screen will be sufficient for one person but if for any reason you have more then one person using the touch screen you will want more touch points.  Multitouch screen frames are available in touch point options from 2, 6, 12, 32 and higher, these each have an associated price increase so you can even purchase what your budget will allow if needed.
Place your order and get ready to go interactive. Your new multitouch screen frame will include the following – Double Sided Tape or Velcro, USB Cable and possibly a Power Supply along with Installation Instructions and A Driver for your computer. When you receive the multitouch frame you will simply unpack the contents of the box, apply the mounting method you prefer (either Velcro or Tape) and stick the touch screen to your TV. Then install the appropriate driver on your computer and plug in the supplied cables and you are almost there.
Calibration of the multitouch screen is as simple as opening up the installed multitouch drivers included with your touch screen and calibrating by touching 4 points on the screen. Once you have calibrated to your liking you can begin interacting with and using your multitouch screen.
Maintenance of a multitouch screen frame is near to minimal; there is not much you will need to do besides occasionally wiping off your fingerprints and keeping the cables connected. Remember that anything you can do with your mouse you can do with your finger(s) and more.  Multitouch content can be specifically designed to work with the multitouch touch screen and will increase the smoothness and wow factor of the touch screen TV but you can use any standard program on your computer as well.  If you want to test this out just open up Calculator, Solitaire or any other program and see just how easy it is.
